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With a 25% down payment, get an office 156 meters in Karma Alexandria Mall

2 Rooms

2 Baths

156 M 2

Properties for sale (9)

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Office 156 meters in Karma Alexandria Mall with payment facilities, Sources stated that Karma Real Estate Development Company is announcing an investment opportunity in Karma Alexandria Mall with a 25% down payment to purchase an office spanning 156 square meters. The company emphasized that this opportunity will enable investors to obtain a new office in a project that combines modernity with distinctive interior design. Karma Alexandria Mall includes a diverse set of different administrative units with areas suiting different needs, in addition to central air conditioning in all units for an enjoyable experience for visitors. The project is one of the pioneering projects in Egypt as it contains offices, medical clinics, administrative offices, commercial stores and entertainment and shopping spaces. The project has already started providing luxurious units at unparalleled prices.

project Name: Karma Mall.

Your guide to know the top Karma Mall

project Location: Alexandria. 

Developer Name: Karma Real Estate Development.

Unit Type: Office. 

Units Space:  Starting from 156 Square Meter. 

Unit Price: Starting from 3,000,000 EGP (The prices Last Update was in December 2023).

Number of Bedrooms: 2 Bedrooms. 

Number of Bathrooms: 2 Bathrooms. 

Payment Systems: 25% downpayment is paid and the rest is paid over 58 months.

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