1,400,000 EGP

Find out the price of an apartment with143m in Stau Compound New Capital

Book 143 meters in Stau Compound New Capital at special prices, The real estate development company "Stiv" has announced the price of a new apartment in its compound in the New Capital. This 143 square meter apartment is designed with a privileged, comfortable location within the project, The Stiv compound is situated in a vibrant area of the New Capital, and provides many facilities and services available to the residents. This apartment was designed with contemporary designs and using high-quality materials to ensure comfort and luxury living for residents, As for the price, the company has set the price for this apartment at 1.4 million Egyptian pounds. Interested parties should note that this price includes all interior finishes and central air conditioning for the apartment, This apartment is an ideal option for individuals and families looking for a comfortable and suitable place to live in the New Capital. The Stiv compound offers many exceptional facilities such as swimming pools, gyms, gardens, children's playgrounds, as well as 24/7 security.

Project Name: Stau.

Project Location: New Capital.

Browse all units in Stau Compound

Developer Name: Stau Real Estate Development.

Unit Type: Apartment.

Units Space: Starting from 143 square meters.

Unit Price: Starting from 1,400,000 EGP (The prices Last Update was in October 2023).

Numbers of Bedrooms: 3 Bedrooms. Learn more of Properties for sale in New Capital City

Numbers of Bathrooms: 2 Bathrooms.

Payment Systems: A down payment starting from 10% up to 25% of the total unit price can be paid, with the remainder paid in installments over up to 9 years.

More information about Apartments for sale in New Capital City


Swimming pools
Shopping center
Commercial area
Social Club
Health club and Spa

Project Location

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